Email: pramote@pricesanond.com
Tel: +66 (0) 2 679 1844 (GMT +07:00 hours)
Khun Pramote joined Price Sanond in April 1990 and became a partner in 2003. He has substantial experience advising foreign and domestic corporate clients on all aspects of Thai labour, foreign investment and immigration law. He also has some experience with Thai environmental law. Khun Pramote has primary responsibility for the Bangkok office’s labour and immigration law practice and oversees all work permit and visa operations carried out for the firm’s clients.
Khun Pramote has developed an exceptional understanding of the rules and regulations of a variety of Thai governmental departments. He has regularly advised the Thai Immigration and Labour Departments in their efforts to clarify their rules and regulations for expatriates working in Thailand.
A significant part of Khun Pramote’s extensive labour practice focuses on minimizing the risk of labour related disputes for clients. A sample of some of his more recent matters includes:
- representing a multinational corporation with significant investments in Thailand in avoiding over 50,000,000 Baht in unfair termination claims;
- advising clients in reducing potential severance liabilities resulting from redundancies;
- drafting work rules and regulations, employment agreements, and documentation in connection with employee redundancies; and
- acting as principal advisor on all labour-related issues involved in a major multinational’s closure of its air-conditioning manufacturing facility in Thailand.
Khun Pramote also has significant experience with Thailand’s investment related laws, in particular those laws related to investment promotion by the Thai government. He has advised Thailand’s Board of Investment in drafting and revising their respective rules and regulations, and has been recognized as a qualified service provider by the Thai Board of Investment. Khun Pramote was also a legal advisor to the Board of Investment in the preparation of regulations to encourage multinationals to establish regional operating headquarters in Thailand.
Khun Pramote’s experience in securing investment promotion for the firm’s clients includes:
- advising a multinational mining company in securing BOI promotion for its multi-billion Baht investment in northern Thailand;
- assisting affiliate of a major insurer in obtaining necessary foreign business license to provide services in Thailand; and
- advising clients on purchasing land and obtaining all related benefits at Thailand’s various industrial estates.
Khun Pramote has participated as a speaker at a number of different engagements hosted by the Thai government and various private entities on Thai labour, work permit and visa issues. Recent engagements include events hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce and the Thai Board of Investment.
Khun Pramote’s additional professional qualifications and training include:
- Certificate from Academy of American International Law, The Southwestern Legal Foundation, Texas, 1994
- Certificate from Thammasat University, 1998
- Barrister-at-law, The Institute of Legal Education, 1987
- Member, Lawyers Council of Thailand
Khun Pramote is a director for a variety of corporations in Thailand, including:
- Director, Orica Mining Services (Thailand) Ltd. – Mining
- Director, Ammonium Nitrate Development & Production – Chemicals
- Director, BWI (Thailand) – Hotels (Best Western Hotels)
- Director, Mas Millennium (Thailand) – Restaurants (Tony Roma’s)
- Director, Management and Executive Resources Consultants, Ltd. – Consulting